thinair Boulder, Colorado. elevation 5400 feet.

Ahh... bandwidth. (thanks Matt and Indra's Net)

This morning I spent some time on the phone with Matt at Indra's Net trying to get my DSL activated. It didn't go smoothly, but I'm still very happy with my ISP. DSL is up!

I like Indra's Net. Real human beings answer the phone -- no voice menu. Everyone I've ever spoken with has been genuinely courteous: not artificially sweetened, and not formulaic, and never rude nor impatient. In this particular case Qwest had not scheduled my service to be installed until tomorrow. We would have saved several phone calls if Matt had noticed that detail earlier. I appreciate that he was honest about that mistake. He didn't blame Qwest and didn't make any other excuses.

A couple hours later he made the extra effort to call me back when he noticed my line come up. Qwest finished their work early. Qwest gets credit too, but Matt made a point of calling me back. In fact, it seems likely that the calls we made to Qwest moved me up their queue. So it may not have been smooth, but I've got bandwidth a day early.
